Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I didn't plan on all this blue...but I just love it!

Isn't this vintage sconce from Italy just beautiful? This was one of my buys from Kane County. I think the blue glass crystals are lovely. I've always loved this color and you just don't see them very often. Like I said I didn't plan on all the blue, it just happened. I'm a sucker for old bottles, and one of the dealers close to my booth sold me this whole lot of pretty blue ones at a great price. I had to have them! Enjoy the photos.


ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

Good to see you at Kane JoMarie... Glad you were able to get some FaB Finds for YOURSELF as well...
Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

rust and hydrangeas said...

Thanks Jeanine, it was good to see you too. Hope to see you next month.

Atelje Skärvan said...

Hello,hugs Agneta